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Filmi na, sortirano po IMDB oceni, stran 603

  • Po vaših kriterijih iskanja najdenih 8431 zadetkov.
  • Žanr: grozljivka
  • Araf

    Araf (2006)

    srhljivka, grozljivka

    Eda was a dance student attending an academy. When she was a student, she got pregnant from her lover Cihan who is already married and has a child. When she realized this, she learned that she was at...
  • Axed

    Axed (2012)

    drama, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Kurt Vendel dobija otkaz na poslu zbog globalne ekonomske krize. Svoju porodicu, ženu, sina i kćerku vodi na izlet u zabačenu prirodu. Međutim, Kurt počinje da gubi razum i odlučuje da ubije svoje...
  • Ba'al

    Ba'al (2008)

    drama, domišljijski, znanstveno-fantastični, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Smrtno bolesni arheolog pokušava izlečiti svoj rak nošenjem amajlije boga oluje Ba'al.
  • Bad Karma

    Bad Karma (2002)

    srhljivka, grozljivka

    Ona teroriše svog psihijatra Treja Kempbela za koga je uverena da je reinkarnacija njenog ljubavnika. Odlučna u nameri da stigne do njegovor srca, Mauren beži iz ludnice i kreće na put masovnih...
  • Banshee!!!

    Banshee!!! (2008)

    akcija, grozljivka

    A group of college friends on a spring break camping trip are stalked and slashed by an unknown creature with the ability to make them hallucinate through sound waves. The survivors hold up refuge in...
  • Basement Jack

    Basement Jack (2009)


    Nakon drpanja sa momkom u autu, plavušica ulazi u svoju rodnu kuću i shvaća da su joj članovi obitelji pobijeni. Da stvar bude gora, čim se okrene prema dečku uviđa da ubojica stoji iza njega i da ga...
  • Behind the Wall

    Behind the Wall (2008)

    srhljivka, grozljivka

    Maine coastal town Harrison Bay is broke, so deputy mayor Drew Cabot arranges a deal with a contractor to develop the abandoned lighthouse for tourism. Father Hendry fails to convince the town...
  • Bleed

    Bleed (2016)

    srhljivka, grozljivka

    Izgledalo je savršeno - nov brak, nova kuća i dete na putu. Ali kada Sara i Met pozovu svoje prijatelje na proslavu, nevin ukleti duh ispada da je smrtonosan dok istražuju ostatke izgorelog zatvora...
  • Blood Freak

    Blood Freak (1972)

    znanstveno-fantastični, grozljivka

    A biker comes upon a girl with a flat tire and offers her a ride home. He winds up at a drug party with the girl's sister, then follows her to a turkey farm owned by her father, a mad scientist. The...
  • Bone Sickness

    Bone Sickness (2004)


    Kristen is caring for her Terminally ill husband who is suffering from a degenerative bone disease. With no cure available she turns to a friend to help find an alternative form of medicine that has...
  • Brutal

    Brutal (2007)

    kriminalka, misterij, srhljivka, grozljivka

    A young sheriff's deputy, Zoe Adams, investigates a series of murders and soon realizes a serial killer is on the loose. As she and her boss, sheriff Jimmy Fleck, feel the pressure of finding the...
  • Bunni

    Bunni (2013)


    Following a Halloween party, an attractive girl and her friends must fight to escape the nightmarish dwelling of a twisted killer with a dark secret.
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