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Filmi na, stran 2508

  • Po vaših kriterijih iskanja najdenih 37125 zadetkov.
  • Žanr: drama
  • Sunday Too Far Away

    Sunday Too Far Away (1975)


    A hard-drinking but hard-working gun shearer leads a group of Outback sheep herders into striking after wealthy landowners attempt to drive them from their territory.
  • Sweet Hostage

    Sweet Hostage (1975)

    drama, romantični

    An escaped mental patient kidnaps an illiterate teenage farm girl and takes her to his mountain hide-away, where they soon become friends and, eventually, lovers.
  • That's the Way of the World

    That's the Way of the World (1975)

    drama, glasbeni

    Record executives want a highly-regarded record producer to focus on a white pop act whom they feel has the sound America wants. To keep his creative integrity, Buckmaster carefully begins to fight...
  • The Amusement Park

    The Amusement Park (1975)

    drama, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Vremešni gospodin kreće na ono što treba da bude običan dan u jednom zabavnom parku. Ali, umesto toga, naćiće se u sred strašnog košmara...
  • The Ash Tree

    The Ash Tree (1975)

    drama, misterij, grozljivka

    Man of leisure Sir Richard (Edward Petherbridge) receives notification that his Uncle has died, bequeathing him his stately country manor and all its lands. On his return to England he immediately...
  • The Count of Monte-Cristo

    The Count of Monte-Cristo (1975)

    drama, zgodovina, pustolovski

    Dumasova klasična zgodba o krivici, maščevanju in plačilu. Edmonda Datesa po krivem obtožijo zarote z Napoleonom, zato ga pošljejo v odročno utrdbo na otoku Monte Cristo. Ko pobegne, prevzame lažno...
  • The Day of the Locust

    The Day of the Locust (1975)

    drama, srhljivka

    Tod Hackett, novinec v Los Angelesu ter nadobudni umetniški direktor, skuša uspeti v Hollywoodu v poznih tridesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. Pozornost mu čedalje bolj odvrača skrivnostna soseda...
  • The Deadly Tower

    The Deadly Tower (1975)

    drama, akcija, srhljivka

    Film baziran na istinitoj priči o Charlesu Josephu Whitmanu, studentu i bivšem marincu koji je 1. avgusta 1966. ubio suprugu i majku, a zatim s tornja univerziteta u Austinu u Teksasu ubio još 14...
  • The Great Waldo Pepper

    The Great Waldo Pepper (1975)

    drama, pustolovski

    Robert Redford je nekdanji pilot iz 1. sv. vojne Waldo Pepper, ki si leta 1926 služi kruh z akrobatskimi zračnimi predstavami. Močno poudarja vojno junaštvo in izpolnjuje lastne fantazije za večji...
  • The Grizzly & the Treasure

    The Grizzly & the Treasure (1975)

    drama, družinski, vestern

    In 1898, Ezra Lambert and his family travel from Sacramento to the Yukon gold country in search of riches. Problems arise when Ezra is injured in an attack by a grizzly bear, forcing his young son to...
  • The Hiding Place

    The Hiding Place (1975)

    biografija, drama, zgodovina, vojni

    Životi srednjovječnih sestara Corrie i Batsie ten Boom koje rade u očevoj trgovini,prekinuti su dolaskom Nacista. Zbog sumnje da skrivaju Židove i krše zakon, odvedene su u koncentracioni logor gdje...
  • The Hindenburg

    The Hindenburg (1975)

    drama, zgodovina, srhljivka, pustolovski

    Film katastrofe/drama inspiriran stvarnim događajem katastrofalnom eksplozijom cepelina Hindenburg, 6. svibnja 1937. Pad je predvidjela jedna vidjelica i upozorila odgovorne... Film...
Prejšnja   1 2 ... 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 ... 3093 3094   Sledeča

