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Filmi na, stran 172

  • Po vaših kriterijih iskanja najdenih 9302 zadetkov.
  • Žanr: kriminalka
  • Neruda

    Neruda (2016)

    biografija, drama, zgodovina, kriminalka

    Ko hladna vojna doseže Čile, predsednik Videla obrne hrbet komunističnim kolegom. Pablo Neruda – pesnik, senator, predani komunist in nepoboljšljivi hedonist predsednika javno okrivi izdaje in si...
  • Nerve

    Nerve (2016)

    kriminalka, srhljivka, pustolovski

    Si upaš igrati? Pridna srednješolka Vee živi po pravilih in si redko upa narediti nekaj, česar ni načrtovala ali pa se ji zdi nesprejemljivo. Film posnet po knjigi Jeanne Ryan. Pod pritiskom...
  • Nightmare Nurse

    Nightmare Nurse (2016)

    kriminalka, srhljivka

    Triler čiji zaplet počinje prometnom nesrećom, nakon koje Lance treba kućnu njegu, a medicinska sestra koju angažiraju čini se savršenom. Mladi par Lance (S. Good) i Brooke (S. Butler) doživjeli su...
  • Nihon de ichiban warui yatsura

    Nihon de ichiban warui yatsura (2016)

    drama, kriminalka

    In this story of a good cop going rogue, we travel with Yoichi Moroboshi from his university student days to his becoming an ambitious detective on the beat who is using his brawn rather than brain...
  • Nitro Rush

    Nitro Rush (2016)

    drama, kriminalka, akcija, srhljivka

    Years ago, Max made a mistake in his life. As he serves prison time, Max learns from the authorities that his son, Theo, now 17, has just been recruited by a criminal drug organization. Desperate to...
  • No Way to Live

    No Way to Live (2016)

    drama, kriminalka, srhljivka

    An interracial teenage couple in the 1950's American South, rob and steal to escape their oppressive town, but when violence erupts they are forced to confront their own dark secrets.
  • Not with His Wife

    Not with His Wife (2016)

    drama, kriminalka

    Kriminalistički film u kojemu knjigovotkinja zaposlena u forenzičkom odjelu na svoju ruku istražuje tko joj je ubio muža. Monica Bolland (J. Staite) viđa svog muža Josha jedva dvaput mjesečno, jer...
  • Now I'm God

    Now I'm God (2016)

    drama, kriminalka, akcija, srhljivka

    A doctor from Voight's past is under investigation when four of his patients are sent to Chicago Med for an overdose of chemotherapy.
  • Now You See Me 2

    Now You See Me 2 (2016)

    kriminalka, misterij, komedija, akcija, srhljivka, pustolovski

    Skupina osupljivih čarovnikov Štirje jezdeci se po letu dni skrivanja znova predstavi javnosti. Toda poleg pretentanega agenta FBI-ja Dylana in pronicljivega Thaddeusa, ki se želita Jezdecem...
  • Of Whose Uneasy Route

    Of Whose Uneasy Route (2016)

    drama, kriminalka, misterij, akcija, srhljivka

    Criminal hackers infiltrate the FBI building, causing it to be locked down while the team is trapped inside; personal conflicts ignite as the team members struggle in close quarters.
  • Older Cutthroat Canyon

    Older Cutthroat Canyon (2016)

    drama, kriminalka, misterij, akcija, srhljivka

    After a painting featuring one of Jane's tattoos is heisted from a gallery, the team discovers Jane is the real target. In order to protect her team, Jane goes AWOL.
  • One Begets Technique

    One Begets Technique (2016)

    drama, kriminalka, misterij, akcija, srhljivka

    Rich Dotcom realizes he will never survive in prison, so he decides to give the FBI the option to capture Shohid Ahtar. The man who finances many of worlds terrorist organisations. But to get to him...
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