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Filmi na, stran 3983

  • Sista skriket

    Sista skriket (1995)

    Izmišljeni sastanak u uredu švedske filmske industrije između bivšeg režisera Georga af Klerckera i izvršnog direktora Charlesa Magnussona. Pijani i ogorčeni Klercker ismijava stare filmove i dijeli...
  • Sketch Artist II: Hands That See

    Sketch Artist II: Hands That See (1995)

    drama, srhljivka

    When police artist Jack Whitfield (Fahey) learns about the serial killer that seems to be unstoppable, with no survivors, he's discouraged. But when he learns about an eyewitness survivor, Emmy...
  • Slam Dunk Ernest

    Slam Dunk Ernest (1995)

    družinski, komedija, športni

    Ernest P. Worrell becomes a basketball star after an angel bearing an uncanny resemblance to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar gives him a pair of magic sneakers.
  • Sleepstalker

    Sleepstalker (1995)

    misterij, domišljijski, grozljivka

    A serial killer known as "The Sandman" is resurrected by a voodoo priest into a body made of sand. To keep his new body, he must track down and kill the one victim who escaped him seventeen years...
  • Small Faces

    Small Faces (1995)


    Three teenage brothers, gang-member Bobby, troubled mama's boy Alan and self-assured prankster Lex, reside in a downtrodden section of Glasgow, Scotland, circa 1968. But while Bobby and Alan are...
  • Smoke

    Smoke (1995)

    drama, komedija

    Auggie Wren je pesniško navdahnjeni lastnik majhne prodajalne s tobačnimi izdelki na uličnem vogalu v Brooklynu, kjer se zbirajo krajani in kjer krožijo zgodbe njegovih strank. Eden izmed rednih...
  • Soldier Boyz

    Soldier Boyz (1995)

    drama, akcija, srhljivka

    Vijetnamska teroristička banda obara avion UN-a, pljačka teret i otima ćerku bogatog američkog biznismena. Vlada je nemoćna i vreme je za akciju! Pod surovom palicom vodnika Tolivera šestorica...
  • Something to Talk About

    Something to Talk About (1995)

    drama, komedija, romantični

    Mlada zakonca Grace in Eddie Bichon uživata popolno življenje s hčerko Caroline. Vsaj tako misli Grace, ki požrtvovalno skrbi za družino in ne pričakuje, da se ji utegne življenje v trenutku...
  • Sorceress

    Sorceress (1995)

    domišljijski, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Two friends, who both work for the same high-priced, high-powered law firm, are both married to modern day witches. Erica, the wife of Larry, believes that he is being led astray by Carol, an old...
  • Sostiene Pereira

    Sostiene Pereira (1995)


    Portugal 1938. Pereira is the editor of the culture section of the Lisboa, an unaffiliated evening paper. There is civil war in Spain and the fascists are in power in Portugal, but he concerns...
  • Species

    Species (1995)

    akcija, znanstveno-fantastični, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Skupina znanstvenikov v tej grozljivki iz l. 1995 z B. Kingsleyem in F. Whitakerjem poskuša izslediti in uloviti nezemljanko, morilsko zapeljivko, preden bi se ta uspešno parila s človeško vrsto.
  • Spitfire

    Spitfire (1995)

    akcija, pustolovski

    A sultry assassin is the target of two separate operatives in this globe-trotting action flick shot on location in the Bahamas, Athens, Rome and Hong Kong.
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