The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange BrewPogledaj trailer!


kriminalka, komedija, znanstveno-fantastični (1983)

The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew

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The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew


The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie: Strange Brew




kriminalka, komedija, znanstveno-fantastični


90 min


Rick Moranis
, Dave Thomas


Rick Moranis
, Steve De Jarnatt
, Dave Thomas

Glavne vloge:

Rick Moranis
  >  Bob McKenzie
Max von Sydow
  >  Brewmeister Smith
David Beard
  >  The Judge
Douglas Campbell
  >  Henry Green
David Clement
  >  Man in the Alley
Dora Dainton
  >  Lady in Movie
Len Doncheff
  >  Jack Hawkland
Paul Dooley
  >  Claude Elsinore
Jill Frappier
  >  Gertrude
Lynne Griffin
  >  Pam Elsinore
Tom Harvey
  >  The Inspector
Ron James
  >  Man in Movie
Sid Lynas
  >  Angry Man at Movie
Angus MacInnes
  >  Jean LaRose
Brian McConnachie
  >  Ted
Dave Thomas
  >  Doug McKenzie
Thick Wilson
  >  The Prosecutor
Robert Windsor
  >  Bailiff


Canada's most famous hosers, Bob and Doug McKenzie, get jobs at the Elsinore Brewery, only to learn that something is rotten with the state of it.
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