The Sign of FourPogledaj trailer!


kriminalka, misterij (1983)

The Sign of Four

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The Sign of Four


The Sign of Four




kriminalka, misterij


97 min


Desmond Davis


Arthur Conan Doyle
, Charles Edward Pogue

Glavne vloge:

Ian Richardson
  >  Sherlock Holmes
John Benfield
  >  McMurdo
Kate Binchy
  >  Maid
David Healy
  >  Dr. John Watson
Richard Heffer
  >  Thaddeus Sholto
Merelina Kendall
  >  Mrs. Smith
Cherie Lunghi
  >  Mary Morstan
Moti Makan
  >  Lal Rao
Joe Melia
  >  Jonathan Small
Clive Merrison
  >  Bartholomew Sholto
Darren Michael
  >  Wiggins
Michael O'Hagan
  >  Mordecai Smith
John Pedrick
  >  Tonga
Gordon Rollings
  >  Mr. Sherman
Terence Rigby
  >  Inspector Layton
Robert Russell
  >  Williams
Thorley Walters
  >  Maj. John Sholto


Hired by a young lady, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson investigate the strange recent deaths of her missing father's friends from the army, as well as the whereabouts of the Great Mogul, the second-largest diamond in the world.
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