Wo kou de zong jiPogledaj trailer!


akcija (2011)

Wo kou de zong ji

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Wo kou de zong ji


Wo kou de zong ji






108 min


Haofeng Xu


Haofeng Xu

Glavne vloge:

Chenghui Yu
  >  Master Qiu Dongyue (as Yu Chenghui)
Bing Bo
  >  Master Lu
Yuanyuan Zhao
  >  Gai E
Yuanyuan Zhao
  >  Madam Qiu
Yang Song
  >  General Qi's Last Body Guard
Zhexin Liu
  >  General Liu Kai
Keqin Ou
  >  Master Cai (as Ou Keqin)
Xiaolenayi Aini
  >  Bohemian Girl 2
Guisheng Li
  >  Master Wang
Ke Ma
  >  Gan Gang
Miva Mulati
  >  Bohemian Girl 1
Xu Fujing
  >  Sai Lan
Chen Jianxing
  >  Gai E's Father
Yao Weiping
  >  Qi's Deputy Commander
Hasiyan Yeerken
  >  Bohemian Girl 3
Jun Ma
  >  Master Qie


Once upon a time in the Southern Chinese city of Guancheng, there lived four families, each of them faithful keepers of martial arts. Anyone who wanted to establish a new sect, or a new form of kung fu, had to fight his way through the family's gates. But when Liang Henlu requests a competition, he is rejected and driven out of town, his strange new weapon mistaken for a Japanese sword and therefore forbidden by purist Chinese masters as a foreign fighting device. Liang is taken for a Japanese pirate and forced to hide in a boat filled with gypsy dancers. After a series of fights prove Liang's sword invincible, the Guancheng masters start to question their assumptions regarding the weapon's origins. They finally recognize that it is none other than the famous sword called 'Made in China' (modeled on a Japanese weapon), which the celebrated General Qi used in his glorious defeat of the Japanese invasion.
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  • bojan969
    01.01.2015. 13:02
    The Sword Identity (2011)
    "Wo kou de zong ji" (originalni naslov)

    Žanr: Akcija 
    Trajanje: 108 min
    Država: Kina
    Jezik: Mandarinski, Engleski

    Režija i scenario: Haofeng Xu 


    Cheng-Hui Yu ... Master Qiu Dongyue (as Yu Chenghui)
    Yang Song ... General Qi's Last Body Guard
    Yuanyuan Zhao ... Madam Qiu / Gai E
    Ma Jun ... Master Qie
    Xu Fujing ... Sai Lan

    Ovaj film predstavlja izuzetak od kineskog žanra kung-fu filma. 
    To je pre svega istorijski i filozofski esej koji se bavi borilačkim veštinama.


    Lijang je junak koga izbacuju iz grada zato što je njegovo oružje greškom zamenjeno 
    za japanski mač. Zbog upotrebe takozvanog neprihvatljivog mača, on je prokažen kao 
    japanski pirat i mora da se sakrije u brodu punom romskih plesača. Kako Lijangov mač 
    niko ne može da savlada, majstori sumnjaju da se radi o čuvenom oružju koje je 
    koristio komandant Kvi u borbi protiv japanske invazije.  izvor: nadlanu  

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