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Filmi na, stran 2203

  • Po vaših kriterijih iskanja najdenih 36699 zadetkov.
  • Žanr: drama
  • Sweetie

    Sweetie (1989)

    drama, komedija

    Based solely on a tea leaf reading, superstitious and introspective Kay believes she and Louis are destined to fall in love with each other, he who she is able to convince of the same despite he just...
  • Talvisota

    Talvisota (1989)

    drama, vojni

    Set during World War 2. After Nazi Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, Russia attacked Finland in November 1939. Finnish reservists leave their homes and go to war. The film focuses on two...
  • Tap

    Tap (1989)

    drama, komedija, glasbeni

    Just released from prison, Max Washington must decide which of his previous professions to return to: burglary or tap-dancing.
  • Tempo di uccidere

    Tempo di uccidere (1989)

    drama, vojni

    1936, Italian army is invading Ethiopia. Lieutenant Silvestri suffering toothache decides to reach the nearest camp hospital. But the lorry has an accident and stop near a rock, so Silvestri...
  • The Abyss

    The Abyss (1989)

    drama, misterij, znanstveno-fantastični, srhljivka, pustolovski

    Film nas bo popeljal v skrivnostne globine morja, kjer se bomo nenehno srečevali z občutkom napetega pričakovanja in negotovosti. Vse se začne, ko se vojaška jedrska podmornica zaradi skrivnostne...
  • The BFG

    The BFG (1989)

    drama, animacija, družinski, domišljijski, pustolovski

    Snatched from Mrs Clonkers' Home for Girls on a cold and quiet night by a lumbering giant, the ten-year-old orphan, Sophie, is in for the adventure of a lifetime when the mysterious monster takes her...
  • The Big Picture

    The Big Picture (1989)

    drama, komedija, romantični

    Mladi Nick Chapman je pravkar diplomiral na filmski akademiji in prepričan je, da mu svet leži na dlani. Še posebej, ker je osvojil tudi študentsko filmsko nagrado, s katero si je odprl vrata v svet...
  • The Black Cobra 2

    The Black Cobra 2 (1989)

    drama, kriminalka, akcija

    Chicago cop Robert Malone (Fred Williamson) finds himself in The Philippines, ostensibly to learn the techniques of Interpol. Before he exits the Manila airport, his wallet is stolen by a pickpocket...
  • The Case of the Hillside Stranglers

    The Case of the Hillside Stranglers (1989)

    drama, kriminalka, srhljivka

    The true chilling story of the "two of a kind", killin' cousins Angelo Buono and Kenneth Bianchi, better known as the Hillside Stranglers, is told in this TV drama. The movie concentrates on the...
  • The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover

    The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989)

    drama, kriminalka

    Za oskarja nominirani Tim Roth in dobitnica zlatega kipca Helen Mirren v eksotični sodobni bajki o nezvestobi. Priznani režiser Peter Greenaway razpleta zgodbo o ženi ( Helen Mirren), naveličani...
  • The Delinquents

    The Delinquents (1989)

    drama, romantični

    Film opisuje ljubezensko zgodbo med Lolo in Browniejem. Oba sta mlada, divja in uporniška ter v oceh njunih družin in okolice povsem nepripravljena na resno zvezo. Že ko se spoznata, Lola in Brownie...
  • The Fabulous Baker Boys

    The Fabulous Baker Boys (1989)

    drama, romantični, glasbeni

    Brata sta pianista, ki se preživljata z igranjem v beznicah. Ko najameta pevko lepo in nadarjeno Susie Diamond, s katero hočeta popestriti nastop, se med bratoma pojavi napetost.
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