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Filmi na, stran 2204

  • Po vaših kriterijih iskanja najdenih 36699 zadetkov.
  • Žanr: drama
  • The Fifteen Streets

    The Fifteen Streets (1989)

    drama, zgodovina, romantični

    In northern England around 1900, the worker John O'Brien lives near poverty in a small house in the worker's district. He falls in love with Mary, the teacher of his highly intelligent younger sister...
  • The Gunrunner

    The Gunrunner (1989)

    drama, kriminalka

    Dvadesete su godine 20. stoljeća i Amerikom vladaju moćne gangsterske bande čiji posao cvjeta zahvaljujući krijumčarenju alkohola i oružja te raznovrsnoga iznuđivanja. Kanada se u tome smislu ne...
  • The Iron Triangle

    The Iron Triangle (1989)

    drama, vojni

    Based on the diary of an unknown Viet Cong soldier, this film provides a sympathetic look at a Viet Cong soldier who protected a captured American soldier whom he believed did not kill him when the...
  • The Karate Kid Part III

    The Karate Kid Part III (1989)

    drama, družinski, akcija, športni

    V tretjem filmu iz serije uspešnic Karate Kid si Daniel želi mirnega življenja, vendar svoji preteklosti ne more ubežati. Ko ga pokvarjeni Mike Barnes pozove na dvoboj, se Daniel izzivu ne more...
  • The Lady and the Highwayman

    The Lady and the Highwayman (1989)

    drama, zgodovina, romantični, pustolovski

    The young lady Panthea Vyne falls in love with the handsome highwayman who saves her from her brutal husband. He kills him in a fair duel. Later, when Charles the 2nd is reinstated as King of...
  • The Mighty Quinn

    The Mighty Quinn (1989)

    drama, kriminalka, misterij, akcija, srhljivka

    Xavier Quinn (Denzel Washington) šef je policije na malenom karipskom otoku. Quinnovi napori da sruši ogradu između lokalnih crnaca i bogatih bijelaca učinili su ga omraženim u obje skupine. Kada se...
  • The Package

    The Package (1989)

    drama, kriminalka, akcija, srhljivka

    Tomi Li Džouns igra zatvorenika koji je poveren pukovniku Galageru ( Džin Hekman) na putu u Sjedinjene Države. Igrom slučaja, on uspeva da pobegne i njegov čuvar otkriva zaveru koja seže do najviših...
  • The Phantom of the Opera

    The Phantom of the Opera (1989)

    drama, romantični, glasbeni, grozljivka

    In New York, the Julliard student Christine Day meets her friend Meg in the library where she works and she shows a piece of music from the unknown author Erik Destler that she has found on the...
  • The Punisher

    The Punisher (1989)

    drama, kriminalka, akcija, srhljivka

    Bivši policist Frank Castle ima vse. Čudovito družino, uspešen posel in obetavno prihodnost. Njegovo življenje dobi povsem nov smisel, ko mu zloglasni kriminalci ubijejo ženo in sina. V tistem...
  • The Rachel Papers

    The Rachel Papers (1989)

    drama, romantični

    Charles Highway (Dexter Fletcher) is in control of his life; he is about to finish sixth form college and start at Oxford. He is nineteen and wants an "older" woman before he turns twenty. Enter the...
  • The Rainbow

    The Rainbow (1989)

    drama, akcija, romantični

    Film prati impulzivnu mladu Ursulu na pragu punoletnosti u pastoralnoj Engleskoj u vreme Burskog rata. Između ostalog, ima ljubavnu aferu s mladim oficirom kojeg ostavlja zbog neprihvaćanja...
  • The Siege of Firebase Gloria

    The Siege of Firebase Gloria (1989)

    drama, akcija, vojni

    The film's thin veneer of social propriety (the story of how the VietCong came under Hanoi's control) is merely a cover for a rolicking old-time battle tale, complete with a hard-tack sergeant, his...
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