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Filmi na, sortirano po IMDB oceni, stran 1003

  • Po vaših kriterijih iskanja najdenih 13343 zadetkov.
  • Žanr: srhljivka
  • Choke

    Choke (2001)


    Poslovnež Henry se včasih zateče tudi k moralno vprašljivim metodam, da bi dosegel svoj cilj. Ko mu sumljivi poslovnež Ron ponudi novo kupčijo, ga Henry zavrne. Ron se ne da odgnati in najde...
  • Clover

    Clover (2020)

    kriminalka, komedija, srhljivka

    Jackie in Mickey sta brata, ki denar dolgujeta napačnemu človeku ob napačnem času. Kmalu morata zbežati in ko poskušata zbrati potreben denar, morata misliti še na najstnico, ki je videla nekaj...
  • Convoi de filles

    Convoi de filles (1978)

    drama, srhljivka, vojni

    German officer Erich von Strasse fought somewhere in Africa, was wounded and returned to Berlin with the Iron Cross and the glory of the hero. After a little vacation, he had to go to the Russian...
  • Criticsized

    Criticsized (2016)

    drama, kriminalka, akcija, srhljivka

    The most vicious serial killer of the 21st-century manipulates L.A. Detectives Jack Donaldson and Steve Sabbia as they become part of his twisted plan. Seeking revenge against the world's ignorance...
  • Critters 4

    Critters 4 (1992)

    komedija, znanstveno-fantastični, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Tik preden je lovec na glave Charlie uničil zadnji dve jajci vesoljskih bitij, je prejel obvestilo, da nima dovoljenja za popolno iztrebljenje te krvoločne rase. Pošljejo mu plovilo, kamor spravi obe...
  • Crucible of the Vampire

    Crucible of the Vampire (2019)

    drama, domišljijski, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Young museum curator, Isabelle, is sent to inspect a part of what seems to be a strange crucible buried near an eerie old manor.
  • Dangerous Ishhq

    Dangerous Ishhq (2012)

    romantični, srhljivka

    Three doppelgangers(one girl+ two boys).Two of them loves each other and get together from many lives .And the third one(who can't be killed easily)also wants the girl and he tries to separate them...
  • Deadwater

    Deadwater (2008)

    akcija, srhljivka, grozljivka

    When a WWII-era transport ship, reactivated and deployed in the Persian Gulf for black-op interrogations, falls radio silent, an elite Marine task force, along with an NCIS investigator and two...
  • Detective Knight: Redemption

    Detective Knight: Redemption (2022)

    akcija, srhljivka

    Bruce Willis je v vlogi detektiva Jamesa Knighta v tem drugem filmu akcijske trilogije. V priporu v New Yorku se Knight znajde sredi bega iz zapora, ki ga vodi Božični bombaš, brutalni fanatik...
  • DieRy

    DieRy (2020)


    Instagram model Marie Clark is getting her masters in comparative religion and moving on from an abusive past with the help of her psychiatrist, Dr. Brighton. It seems Marie's life is finally on the...
  • Dracula's Widow

    Dracula's Widow (1988)

    srhljivka, grozljivka

    The young owner of a waxworks in Hollywood receives five instead of six ordered chests with Romanian antiques. He does not know that Vanessa, widow of Count Dracula, sleeps in the sixth chest. She...
  • Dragon Day

    Dragon Day (2013)

    drama, znanstveno-fantastični, srhljivka

    When out-of-work engineer Duke Evans and his family try to rebuild their lives in a remote mountain town, their own version of the American Dream is cut short on the day a devastating cyberattack...
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