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Filmi na, sortirano po IMDB oceni, stran 1005

  • Po vaših kriterijih iskanja najdenih 13320 zadetkov.
  • Žanr: srhljivka
  • No Tomorrow

    No Tomorrow (1999)

    akcija, srhljivka

    Velika trgovina oružjem propada, a tri odvojena karaktera pokušavaju da se dokopaju plena. Svaki od njih je ili kriminalac karijerista koji traga za personalnim profitom ili tajni agent koji pokušava...
  • Offline

    Offline (2012)

    drama, misterij, srhljivka

    Umetnica Aiden Ashley je bila pred leti vneta uporabnica interneta, vse dokler ni pred 13 leti njen spletni zalezovalec vdrl v njen dom in ji ubil starša. Od takrat naprej Aiden živi samotarsko in...
  • Ond tro

    Ond tro (2010)


    Mona has just moved to a new town and a new job, when she witness a grisly murder. She's shocked but also fascinated, and when the police won't listen, she starts her own investigations.
  • Out for Blood

    Out for Blood (2004)

    akcija, domišljijski, srhljivka, grozljivka

    In Los Angeles, Detective Hank Holten is obsessed by his ex-wife, the writer of vampire novels Susan Hastings, stalking her and having drinking problems. His chief and friend, Captain John Billings...
  • Out of Reach

    Out of Reach (2004)

    drama, kriminalka, akcija, romantični, srhljivka

    Bili Rej Lensing je bivši specijalni agent koji se povukao iz službe i sada živi u svojoj kući u prirodi. Lensing se putem pisama sprijateljio sa Irenom, devojčicom koja živi u sirotištu u Poljskoj...
  • Painkillers

    Painkillers (2015)

    akcija, znanstveno-fantastični, srhljivka

    Predvođena majorom Džonom Kafertijem, jedinica američkih vojnika je poslata na misiju duboko u planinsku regiju Avganistana sa naređenjem da uzmu misteriozni tajni paket. Nakon toga završe u vojnoj...
  • Players

    Players (2012)

    kriminalka, akcija, srhljivka

    The Indian remake of the Italian Job. Romanian gold is to be transferred from Russia to Romania after many years. A gang made up of a con man, a con women, an illusionist, a makeup artist, an...
  • Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys

    Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys (2004)

    komedija, domišljijski, znanstveno-fantastični, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Robert Toulon, great-nephew of original Puppetmaster Andre Toulon, who brings the puppets back to life with the help of his daughter Alex, they are soon pursued by a mysterious toymaking syndicate...
  • Raaz 3: The Third Dimension

    Raaz 3: The Third Dimension (2012)

    misterij, romantični, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Kada njena popularnost iznenada počne da opada, filmska zvezda koristi crnu magiju kako bi vratila staru slavu.
  • Razortooth

    Razortooth (2007)

    srhljivka, grozljivka

    Two prisoners escape through the swamp land in Everglades and the search party is attacked by a giant mutant eel and is considered missing. The Animal Control agent Delmar Coates is searching a...
  • Rise of the Zombies

    Rise of the Zombies (2012)

    akcija, srhljivka, grozljivka

    During a zombie apocalypse ,a group of survivors hide on Alcatraz Island to escape from rising zombie hordes. When their refuge is overrun, and upon hearing that a scientist may have discovered a...
  • Roadside

    Roadside (2013)

    drama, misterij, srhljivka, grozljivka

    Dan Summers and his pregnant wife, Mindy, fight for their lives when they are held hostage in their car by an unseen gunman on the side of a desolate mountain road.
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