
kratki film, komedija (1911)

Just Bill's Luck

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Just Bill's Luck


Just Bill's Luck




kratki film, komedija



Bill meets and promptly falls in love with a dancing girl, who belongs to a traveling show. He follows her to her van, and taking advantage of the absence of the proprietor, steals inside and makes furious love. But a rival has seen Bill's entry, and informs the infuriated owner, who promptly returns, and savagely knocks at the door of the van. Bill and the girl have been getting on famously, and the sudden return of the owner necessitates an equally sudden retreat on the part of Bill. The girl hands him a monkey's skin, and Bill clambers out of the window, only to be seized, a rope passed around his waist, and he is belabored by the enraged owner. Suddenly Bill breaks loose, and with the whole crowd at his back, bolts down the road. A motorcycle, with a trailer and the lady occupant, is standing in the road, and Bill jumps on that and sets off at a wild pace. On they go, the lady screaming wildly, until there is a snap, and the trailer and cycle part company, with disastrous results ...
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