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Serije na, stran 401

  • The Politician

    The Politician (2019)

    drama, komedija, mjuzkal

    Občasno glasbena drama se osredotoča na bogatega najstnika z ambicijami, da postane predsednik ZDA. A pot do tja je še dolga. Najprej bo moral zmagati na volitva za predsednika študentskega sveta na...
  • The Read with Kid Fury and Crissle West

    The Read with Kid Fury and Crissle West (2019)

    pogovorna oddaja

    Throwing shade and spilling tea, now on TV. The duo brings their honest brand of cultural commentary, opinions and beloved segments like Hot Tops from their podcast, plus special celebrity guests...
  • The Ready Room

    The Ready Room (2019)

    pogovorna oddaja

    The Ready Room is a discussion show following each new episode of various Star Trek series on Paramount Plus. First Hosted by Naomi Kyle for a single season, then Hosted by Wil Wheaton for all other...
  • The Red Line

    The Red Line (2019)

    drama, kriminalka

    Follows three Chicago families as they journey toward hope and healing after an unarmed African American doctor is shot by a white cop.
  • The Righteous Gemstones

    The Righteous Gemstones (2019)

    drama, komedija

    Danny McBride (serija "Podravnatelja") se vrača na program HBO s komično serijo o svetovno znanem televizijskem pridigarju z dolgo tradicijo zavrženosti, pohlepa in dobrodelnosti – vse to v imenu...
  • The Rocketeer

    The Rocketeer (2019)

    animacija, kratki film, akcija

    A girl inherits the persona of The Rocketeer, and with the help of her gadget-building friend they tackle epic adventures.
  • The Rook

    The Rook (2019)

    drama, domišljijski, srhljivka

    Serija je usredotočena na mladu ženu koju prate paranormalni protivnici dok se i sama bori s vlastitim nadnaravnim sposobnostima. Nakon buđenja na Milenij mostu u Londonu, bez ikakvih sjećanja ali sa...
  • The Self-Preservation Society

    The Self-Preservation Society (2019)

    drama, kriminalka, komedija, akcija, znanstveno-fantastični

    Never trust a washed-up Supe -- the Boys learn this lesson the hard way. Meanwhile, Homelander digs into his past, Starlight discovers that love hurts, and if you're ever in Sandusky, Ohio and a girl...
  • The Shadow of Projekt Athena

    The Shadow of Projekt Athena (2019)

    akcija, pustolovski

    Danny and Lexi seek out a famed Nazi hunter whose research leads them to Quebec, where they suspect that the last of the Nazis who escaped with Cleopatra may still be alive and in hiding. Also...
  • The Sleepers

    The Sleepers (2019)

    drama, srhljivka

    Piše se leto 1989 in Sovjetska zveza razpada. Po dvanajstih letih izgnanstva v Londonu se Marie in Viktor vračata v Prago. Verjameta, da bodo politične spremembe kmalu prišle tudi tja, a namesto tega...
  • The Smile Has Left Your Eyes

    The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (2019)

    drama, komedija

    When Woo Shik, Jun Ki, and Ki Bong are under pressure to pay overdue rent within a short period of time, a meteor falls down to their guesthouse. Meanwhile, the three of them happen to be at their...
  • The Society

    The Society (2019)

    drama, misterij, znanstveno-fantastični, srhljivka

    Netflixa serija sledi skupini najstnikov, ki se nenadoma znajdejo v svetu, kjer ni odraslih. V takšnem svetu se zdi čudovito živeti, vsaj dokler ne pojavi prvi problem ...
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