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Serije na, stran 398

  • Swamp Thing

    Swamp Thing (2019)

    drama, akcija, domišljijski, znanstveno-fantastični, pustolovski, grozljivka

    Serija spremlja dr. Abby Arcane, medtem ko raziskuje smrtonosni močvirski virus v majhnem kraju v ameriški Louisiani. Ko se v temačnem močvirju pojavi skrivnostno bitje, se mora dr. Abby soočiti z...
  • T.O.T.S.

    T.O.T.S. (2019)

    animacija, kratki film, pustolovski

    Najboljša prijatelja Pip in Freddy sta sicer pingvin in flamingo, a se vseeno šolata za dostavljanje malčkov v nove domove.
  • Taineun Jiokida

    Taineun Jiokida (2019)

    kriminalka, misterij, grozljivka

    Unpleasant events disturb the life of an aspiring crime fiction writer when he becomes a resident of an apartment building teeming with shady neighbors.
  • Take Us Home: Leeds United

    Take Us Home: Leeds United (2019)

    dokumentarni, športni

    English football's 'fallen giant', Leeds United, starts a journey to win promotion back to the Premier League. New owner Andrea Radrizzani has recruited a world-class head coach, Marcelo Bielsa, to...
  • Tales of the City

    Tales of the City (2019)


    Radi se o novom poglavlju ekranizacije romana koje prati Mary Ann (Laura Linney) koja se vraća kući u San Francisco i ponovo se sastaje sa svojom kćerkom Shawnom (Ellen Page) i bivšim suprugom...
  • Temple

    Temple (2019)

    drama, kriminalka, srhljivka

    Po osebni tragediji nadarjeni kirurg Daniel združi moči z osamljenim in iznajdljivim mladeničem Leejem, da bi ustanovila podzemno kliniko v obsežnem labirintu tunelov in omrežju kletnih prostorov pod...
  • The 1900 Island

    The 1900 Island (2019)

    drama, resničnostna oddaja

    Radnja dokumentarne serije odvija se na divljoj zapadnoj obali Angleseyja u vrijeme u kojemu su ljudi jedva spajali kraj s krajem. Četiri obitelji suočavaju se s okrutnom stvarnošću zarađivanja za...
  • The Accident

    The Accident (2019)


    A Welsh community devastated by tragedy is forced to confront difficult truths amid the search for justice.
  • The Act

    The Act (2019)


    Antološka kriminalna serija prinaša zgodbe o srhljivih in resničnih zločinih, bolj nenavadnih od fikcije. Prva sezona spremlja Gypsy Blanchard, dekle, ki skuša pobegniti od uničevalnega odnosa s...
  • The Age of A.I.

    The Age of A.I. (2019)


  • The Apollo Chronicles

    The Apollo Chronicles (2019)


    Featuring rare archival footage and audio, this epic 4-part miniseries documents one of the greatest accomplishments of the 20th Century. But behind this seminal event is a monumental story filled...
  • The Atlanta Child Murders

    The Atlanta Child Murders (2019)

    kriminalka, dokumentarni

    Between 1979 and 1981 29 African American children went missing and were found dead in Atlanta. Till this day, no person has been tried for these murders and the killer has never been confirmed.
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