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Serije na, stran 429

  • Impuros

    Impuros (2018)

    drama, kriminalka, akcija

    Rio de Janeiro, during the 90's. Evandro dreams about becoming a great businessman, but ends up entering the world of crime and making an empire out of his criminal organization. His business skills...
  • In Memory

    In Memory (2018)

    drama, kriminalka, misterij, akcija, srhljivka

    Jane and Weller go on a hunt for Roman back to where it all started.
  • In the Long Run

    In the Long Run (2018)


    London, 1985. Amid the tower blocks and shell suits, life for Walter and Agnes Easmon is all about quiet routine. They arrived from Sierra Leone 13 years ago and are happy earning enough to pay the...
  • In the Red

    In the Red (2018)

    drama, kriminalka

    J struggles to keep the family business afloat; Deran makes some moves on his own; Pope learns parenting on-the-fly while caring for Lena; Craig makes enemies in Mexico.
  • Informer

    Informer (2018)


    Raza je mladić iz istočnog Londona, a Gejb je oficir protivterorističke jedinice. Gejb je stvorio situaciju u kojoj bi Raza morao da pristane da špijunira za jedinicu. Gejb ima mnogo tajni i nijednu...
  • Insatiable

    Insatiable (2018)

    drama, komedija, srhljivka

    Nova Netflixova serija prati mladu Patty koja postaje miss na izboru ljepote pod vodstvom nemoralnog odvjetnika Boba i njegove žene Coralee. No stvari će krenuti nizbrdo kad se Patty odluči osvetiti...
  • Instinct

    Instinct (2018)

    drama, kriminalka, misterij, srhljivka

    V Instinktu Alan Cumming igra nekdanjega agenta Cie, ki spet začne delati, ko policija rabi pomoč pri iskanju serijskega morilca. Dr. Dylan Reinhart (nekdanji agent Cie) je nadarjen pisatelj in...
  • It's My First Love

    It's My First Love (2018)

    komedija, romantični

    Soo Ah remains relentless in her pursuit of Kyung Seok, and Mi Rae slowly begins to understand why.
  • Ivalo

    Ivalo (2018)

    drama, kriminalka, srhljivka

    Radnje finske serije Arktički krug smeštena je u nepopustljivom polarnom regionu, usred ledenih pejsaža finske Laponije. Nakon što je finska policajka Nina Kautsalo pronašla prostitutku koja umire u...
  • Jack Ryan

    Jack Ryan (2018)

    drama, akcija, srhljivka

    Prati analitičara CIA, Jack Ryana, koji je po prvi puta ubačen u opasnu terensku akciju. To je nova, originalna priča, tako da nije adaptacija niti jedne novele. Reditelj i izvršni producent serije...
  • Jackpot

    Jackpot (2018)

    drama, kriminalka

    Smurf enlists the boys into a surprise job that has devastating consequences. Pope is forced to confront the truth about Baz's murder. J steps p for the family in an unexpected way,
  • Jägarna

    Jägarna (2018)

    drama, srhljivka

    Sequel and continuation of the film with the same name.
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